I Can Do (Nothing) This Summer

My kids are out of school tomorrow morning, so today, being the dedicated planner that I am not, I contemplated working myself up to a great, foamy lather to ready my house and my head for summer.  I made a list, a get-ready-for-summer to-do list, by category and goals.  Because everybody categorizes their goals…

This is what I came up with:

  1. Garden (the verb): nurture your soul by nurturing nature!
  2. Decorate: put summer into play in your surroundings!  Live what you love!  Hang outdoor lights to create festive dining locales!  Revitalize your heart and your home by drenching it in a summer palate!  Make cozy and inviting spaces to reflect what is in your heart!
  3. Reorganize: pare down on essentials and prioritize your everyday living space!
  4. Meal Plan: food at your leisure, leisurely food!

Twenty-five minutes and… I was done.  Done!  It’s enviable and true, all that I accomplished.  I, for one, was blown away that I managed to meet all of my goals within record time (including a phone call to my mother).  This is precisely what I’ve accomplished, in case you want to take notes:

  1. Garden (the verb): nurtured a rose bush I hate by throwing coffee grounds at it from the upper deck
  2. Decorate: artfully displayed a Sangria picture recipe book on the kitchen counter
  3. Reorganize: prioritized living space by moving the everyday wine glasses out of the crystal cabinet and into the kitchen for instant, everyday access.
  4. Meal Plan: I ate potato chips.  For lunch.  I planned to use a bowl, and I did.  This was (not) planned really well (at all).

Clearly I’m out-Martha Stewarting/out-Dwelling the sh*t out of  summer, and school isn’t even out yet.  I’m totally ahead of the game.  It’s invigorating!  It’s energizing!  When my kids walk in through that door two hours after breakfast tomorrow morning (WHY DO THEY EVEN HAVE SCHOOL?!?), not only will they be standing on the cusp of the Best Summer Ever!, they will also be standing next to a mom holding three virgin strawberry Daiquiris and wearing the Chip & Dip Sombrero, singing Did Somebody Say Summer?!?!  It’ll be 10 weeks of Summer Dreamin’ with me.  They can hardly wait.  I’m sure.

I certainly hope admitting this doesn’t leave anyone feeling inadequate.  (I’m  talking to you, Martha and Dwell.)  Heaven only knows, no one wants to start out their summer feeling inadequate and ill-prepared.  And as we all we’ll know, no one feels inadequate or ill-prepared, thanks to social media…


You know how they say exercise is addictive?  Work out enough and you’ll be a gym junkie?  I think I’m on to something.  Because you know what else is highly addictive? Nothing.  I’ve never done drugs, but this morning I got high on nothing.  Doing absolutely nothing is addictive.  I looked at my list, and then I did nothing so hard this morning, I might have to keep doing nothing with this same feverish intensity for the remaining 9 minutes I have left before my kids come home today, and continue to do nothing on through the night.

Hit with inspiration, I decided that this summer, I’m taking a stand.  I stand for Nothing.  No themes.  No thought.  No sweat!  And as always, no underwires or makeup.  No big, lofty goals (unless creating employment for myself is considered a “goal” – but that’s another post entirely), crazy plans, schedule or agenda beyond “encouraging” my kids to do their chores, and remember how to shower, read, type, do their times tables, and GO OUTSIDE.  I might eliminate a few things on that list, but the first and last will forever remain.  If all they do is make their beds and go outside, it’s a win.  Whether or not they are clothed is irrelevant.

I can feel it…  It’s on.  This summer I am going to make it happen.  We are ALL IN. Super excited!  I love spontaneity!  Hooray for not planning!!  Not just not planning, but super-not planning.  Woo-hoo!

And the bus is here.  Yay!img_5942 




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